COVID-19 Update - Nuer
COVID-19 Update - Shilluk
COVID-19 Update - Dinka
COVID-19 Update - Acholi
Our COVID-19 Response
Community Abundance Inc has the health and wellbeing of our participants, staff, and the entire community as our top priority.
In addition to following advice from the Department of Health, we are also taking the following precautions:
In addition to following advice from the Department of Health, we are also taking the following precautions:
We are facilitating a self-check-in/check-out process for all our guests to take social distancing to the next level.
Our support workers and all staff will continue to be extra diligent, implementing new cleaning procedures with safety and hygiene in mind. This includes PPE to provide our clients with an exceptional level of sanitation and cleanliness.
- We have stepped up precautionary health measures throughout our complex as the safety of our participants and staff (both permanent and casual) is our top priority. We take the utmost care to ensure the health and safety of all.
We continue to monitor advice from the Australian Government Department of Health and the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
During COVID-19 lockdown, Community Abundance Inc was available to support vulnerable people and the entire community that had been affected by COVID-19. We helped by providing a free meal to those in need, as well as foods kits.
It was a privilege to assist the community during these uncertain times and we thank all our volunteers who gave up their time to prepare and deliver meals.
- The Community Abundance Cultural Emergency Relief Team
It was a privilege to assist the community during these uncertain times and we thank all our volunteers who gave up their time to prepare and deliver meals.
- The Community Abundance Cultural Emergency Relief Team
Community Abundance Pandemic Prevention Management Policy and Procedure
Community Abundance Inc. is responsible for the health and safety of its team members and participants. Due to the nature of the services provided, there is increased exposure to Covid-19 Virus and hence, increased risk to the safety of team members and participants.
The Community Abundance Inc. Covid-19 Prevention and Management Policy and Procedure outlines the strategies and procedures that are in place to prevent the transmission of infections between team members and participants.
The Community Abundance Inc. Covid-19 Prevention and Management Policy and Procedure outlines the strategies and procedures that are in place to prevent the transmission of infections between team members and participants.
Download "Community Abundance Covid-19 Policy and Procedures"